
The Dangers of Gambling

Problem gambling is an impulse control disorder that destroys lives. While gambling may seem like a harmless way to self-soothe unpleasant emotions, it is a dangerous behavior. While it is important to remain aware of your gambling habits, it should only be considered one form of entertainment. While gambling should be treated as a novelty and social experience, it can become a habit without your knowledge. It can also cause stress, so it’s important to understand why you gamble. There are a number of organizations that provide help to individuals with gambling problems, some even offer counselling and support to families of people with the disorder.

Problem gambling is an impulse-control disorder

Whether you’re addicted to gambling or not, problem gambling has negative consequences that can affect your personal, financial, and social life. Although gambling is considered a form of impulse-control disorder, it is not without its risks. Problem gamblers may suffer from physical and psychological consequences, including migraine, abdominal disorder, and even intestinal problems. They may also suffer from feelings of despondency and helplessness, and even attempts at suicide.

It is a way to self-soothe unpleasant feelings

While gambling is a popular way to unwind and socialize, it can lead to depression, anxiety, or even suicide. Rather than turning to gambling as an escape from difficult feelings, consider other healthy methods of self-soothing, such as exercise, volunteering, and practicing relaxation techniques. In addition to finding the right resources to help you overcome your addiction, you should seek professional help if you feel that you have a problem.

It can lead to financial ruin

Addiction to gambling can be difficult to recognize and symptoms rarely become apparent until someone has fallen into a spiral of financial ruin. The attraction of gambling is subtle and the appearance of winning easily can lure a person to it. Gambling is a profitable and powerful industry, and is designed to give the house a winning edge. However, if a gambling problem becomes a habit, it can be disastrous to the lives of the addict and their families. The Canada Safety Council has taken problem gambling seriously and is treating it as a community safety issue.

It can lead to mental health problems

The frequency of problem gambling and the amount of money lost is not the only determining factor. The emotional and financial consequences of gambling are equally severe if someone engages in it periodically. A problem arises when a person becomes unable to control his or her urges to gamble and begins to negatively affect other areas of his or her life. This can be treated through therapy, either behavioral or cognitive. In cognitive behavioral therapy, the individual is taught to change his or her beliefs and behavior to reduce the amount of money they lose.